Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Oh how I miss writing my thoughts.
It is such a great release to be able to express emotions.  Humans are lucky to have the ability to express ourselves through our emotions.
Last night my sister sent me a link to a song (Sober, by Little Big Town).  As soon as it started to play, tears fled through me like they had been there for so long waiting to burst out; like a huge waterfall that had been blocked by a beavers log for months. The tears came from an emotion that had needed to be expressed.  The emotion I felt while crying huge droplets, had been building up, not knowing the burst of waterworks was what I needed, I continued to let them pour out.  It felt so good and connected me with my soul.  The emotion deep inside me felt so good to get out. 

Since the beginning of October, Marc has been away for work.  He goes away almost every month or couple months.  We are use to his absence and miss him like crazy when he's gone.  It seems the more he goes, no matter how long the trip, it feels like he's so far away that weeks seem like years to me. 

I am so grateful we have chosen to live close to family.  I don't know how the girls and I would make it through each day he's away without our loved ones by our side.  Luckily, Marc is close enough to travel to, but when traveling with two young children, the trip seems endless, and the last one (a couple weeks ago) seemed to have aged me a couple years.

As my darling girls grow older, I have noticed I am too.  They are hard to keep up with!  They are both so smart, and so curious about everything.  I am so busy keeping up with their cravings to learn.  Riley has bloomed so big and fluffy since she entered Kindergarten.  Her brain is full of amazing information and imagination, and her heart is drenched in passion for things that make her happy.  Since Riley was born she has been determined to do things for herself.  She never wants to give up until the job is done to her standards.  She is determined to read and spell on her own, she figured out how to tie her own shoes, and has lost a hand full of teeth.  Every day she makes me so proud, it is really such an amazing, AMAZING thing.  She remembers to be my helper when daddy is gone and works so hard at remembering her manners and responsibilities.  Mommy and me time is much need for my beautiful not so little baby and me.

Reese, whose heart is in my other hand, woke up one morning (or maybe in the middle of the night, as shes been enjoying the past week or so), and was ready to conquer the universe.  Each day she finds new wonder through her, big, blue eyes and together we are creating so much love through learning.  Reese is definitely hungry for new adventures.  She melts my heart with her manners of, "thank you, please, bless you (if you cough or sneeze), help," and if you ask her how she is she will tell you "goooood".  My heart is filling with so much joy thinking about how deliciously, amazing she is every day.  Thinking about who she is becoming is so beautiful in every way. 

Life sure does speed by.  I try to remember babies are only young once. 
No matter how hard the days may be with out Marc's physical support and presence, at the end of the day I am so grateful for what the day has given me and my family.
I do not take a single day for granted.  I find new ways to enrich our souls; snuggles, hugs and giggles are just a few of them.

All the emotions that fill me each day, come and go, with some lasting to stay.  Without knowing which ones dig down to stay, I know everything will always be ok. 
Family, faith, love, music, friendship, health, laughter.  Emotions, good or bad, happy and sad, I accept them all to help me connect with my soul.  Each day is a new beginning and one day closer to being with my true love.  Distance really does make the heart grown fonder.  Every time I think of Marc, my heart is filled so warm with deep, red, pure love.  I know he feels the same when he thinks about me, I can feel it through our connection.

Once in a while I get lost in the every day commotion of life.  I forget how to connect with myself.  For a while I didn't have the connection to write my thoughts.  Lately, I have been feeling more connected to my thoughts and emotions and  what a special feeling it is.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


These April days have been so beautiful. The smells and new blooms of the spring have brought back sweet memories of my past.
It's amazing how you can close your eyes and instantly a smell can bring you to a memory.
These April showers have made me feel relaxed and comfortable.
Something about the green grass and trees and beautiful flowers all around; they make the rain fall so gracefully. The smell of the fresh cut grass and the spring rain always bring me back to my youth and when days were carefree. When life was lived through a child's eyes.

As I'm aging (only by number) I'm noticing life happening before me.
How being an adult is showing life's realism's.

While the girls and I visited Marc on the island we were just living.
We had nothing to worry about. No school, no bills , no chores.
We were just existing there with Marc. That's all we had been wanting to do for a long time.
It was so refreshing. Our trip was extended longer than planned out too, due to care trouble that was easily fixed. The extension made life slow down, and for three extra days on a beautiful island, I
Couldn't complain, I had everything I needed.

Marc arrived home Wednesday April 24th, Reese's 1st birthday; which was another graceful milestone in this household.
He has been sick since Monday, April 22nd, with what he thinks was food poisoning. We went to the ER Thursday, due to his state of illness. He had been vomiting since Monday night on to Thursday until after the IV took place. Since then he's been outrageously nauseous and in bed, by no other choice, he can't even bring himself to watch tv. And in the morning he has started to feel better, so he's tried to eat, only to find the couple bites consumed, have made him feel worse. So it's going on a week of not actually eating.

Tomorrow, Monday, we are going to see his Dr. And from there we hope to be referred to a GI specialist. Whatever it is, whatever it's doing to make him so vulnerable and sick, I hope they find it quickly and are able to sooth him.

It is so unsettling to see him in this state. All I can do is make him as comfortable as I possibly can. Massages, back rubs, cuddles and an on call very loving nurse is the least I can do for him.

Whoever may read my posts, or even the spiritual guidance I look to in my times of need, please hear me now and pray or send positive energy this way to Marc.

The comforts of loved ones and small tokens of comfort found outside of love are what is guiding him along.
Whatever it is that is causing him this pain, please subside and please be known so he can go further than this terrible journey from this week, and from his history of vomiting sicknesses.

In our house right now I'm trying  to keep everyone and everything comfortable while my husband is vulnerable and my daughters' daddy is sick in bed. Keeping Riley busy is helping to distract my mind from the what ifs and all the research I have been eagerly doing.

Positive energy for comfort and good thoughts for outcome. <3

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In like a Lion, out like a Lamb

It's Spring!
Welcome the new season.  March sure does come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.
Although we have been greeted by the lion and its full blown snow showers, the sweet little lamb has been desperately trying to sneak out and grace us with its presence.
My how the time goes by.

Much to look forward to and much to slowly breathe in.
Marc is away for 36 days. He is involved in a project that will be launching from Wallops Island, VA, in June.
His occupation becomes more interesting to me as I am more educated on the details of his miraculous work.
The tiny details he must pay attention to and the calm and cautious mind set he has when working, has been reflecting on him as a person.
He enjoys what he is doing and who he is doing it for and in return is gaining a greater sense of who he is. 

The other day I learned some new information from him. He loaded necessary cargo that will be attached to the satellite and sent up to the space station by what used to be a french rocket, which now is taken over by the US, due to bankruptcy. The cargo will be dropped off in space for the astronauts to come pick up.

After listening to him describe how they attach each part to the rocket to send out of space, I was in awe of how amazing this world is, and how people like my husband are adding to the wonderful little things that keep the world moving.   

I feel like Ive been gaining a whole new perspective on life and love. And slowly growing into a new woman, or maybe an older and wiser woman.
Marc teaches me new things everyday. Things beyond simplicity and basics. He teaches me how to seek wonder in things and true meaning in how things work, including love.Things beyond the ordinary, my what a lucky woman I am.

St. Patrick's Day 2013
On the simpler side of things. My occupation. Motherhood.
We are staying warm and thinking of new ways to explore and learn with what we have in our home.

Blanket Fort
Riley has been eager to practice shooting her bow.

Reese is getting ready to pop some teeth (soon, I think) and she is on the verge of walking.

Riley has been make believing and imagining through play. Her mind is an extraordinary place.
I love engaging in her ideas and playing along with her scenarios.
Our home has also turned into a horse farm. We have a mommy, daddy and  baby horse. Riley takes good care of them. She has been feeding them and takes them in and out of the barn through the sliding baby gate.
She gets to visit the horsey's at my parents house. From there is where she gets her horse imagination. 

Visiting a Mama horse with her baby  

Baby Boy

It is a magical land here in the Crawford house.

We are heading to Wallops Thursday, to see Marc, where the wild horses run free. I hope to get a sense of the freedom that roams the Island, I'll be sure to share when I return.

Can't see in this picture, but we stopped to capture a picture of a beautiful, free blue heron.
                      This year, March is living up to its tale, by going out like a lamb. Happy Easter!
Favorite time of the day. When my babies first wake up. So pure and natural.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Natures Roots


What do your roots mean to you?

Mine begin with family. Generations of Riley's, McCeney's, Jackson's and Proffit's.

The girls and I enjoyed the warmer weather while it was here this week. We took advantage of it by playing at the park and walking with the sun. As we were outside, I felt like each one of us was meditating in some way or another. I felt like we were all in our own world together. I kept taking in the fresh air and the looks on my girls' faces. And although we were bundled up with hats and mittens, it still felt so refreshing to be outside and breathing in crisp, still, February air.

This last week in February of 2013 meant a lot to me. I held on to it tight so it would last longer. Maybe it's because my babies won't be as dependent on me in the years to come. Riley will go off to Kindergarten this fall of 2013, and Reese my little baby, will turn 1 in April of 2013. So to me, 2013 will have a lot of big changes, as will every year.  For some reason this year has marked my soul in some way.

Lately, each morning I wake up, I have been thinking what can I do to make this day last longer.
What can I do differently with my girls to help them grow and learn with me as their teacher.

I want every day to be a special, magical day. Filled with imagination and tons of giggles. I want to be not only a mama to Riley and Reese but their best friend. I love playing with them and I love watching them play. They play so nicely together. I am looking forward to the days when Reese and Riley can do everything together.

While we were at the park, I walked down the side walk with Reese and observed all the nature around me. I focused on tiny details and captured nature in a new way.
I love how it is all around us in everything. From the dirt on my tile floor, that Reese got to feel and explore yesterday, to the many different birds that stop in and out of our wilted garden.

Nature is a child's greatest learning tool.
Earlier in this lovely month of February, Riley came home one day from looking at the horses on the farm where her grandparents live. There she was digging in an earthy, muddy pile of rich dirt.
That's it. She was so content and happy. She was so peaceful and her eyes were filled with intent fascination. It didn't bother me at all. She was being a kid. Exploring. Learning. I want her to get dirty and try things that might seem gross or scary. I want her to be confident and brave. What's the worst that could happen? dirt under her nails, mud on her clothes. Things that can be taken back.
An instant and exploring can not be taken back.

We eventually had to leave. When we got home she ran straight down the hill to the back yard and started exploring the magical mud some more.
I wonder what she was thinking...
All I know is when she came inside it was as if she had been to a spa, not just because her hands were wrist deep in mud, but because her spirit was so calm and collected...

Leading me back to my roots.

From family generations to Marc and me. My own personal roots. From the branches in my body that are formed together from the bottom of my roots up to my spirit and being. Everything I have encountered in my life good and bad, people and things, have all led me to where I am now. With Marc and the new little roots we have created together.

While searching within my thoughts and soul, thinking about all the things that have created my roots.
An unbelievably, remarkable journey and way the mind can lead humans to their life's personal path is something I hope all humans get to feel and see.

I am so simply pleased to know that I am helping guide my girls on their own personal path, and I hope that they too will one day stop and look back at where their roots have brought them.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gracious Seasons

Winter has always had a special place in my heart and soul.
Each new year, I hold on to each new season that Maryland has to offer. I feel like I wait out each season patiently. Each day brings a surprise with the weather.

I have been embracing the warmer winter days outside and breathing in the winter chill when it's gracing these winter months.

I am in no rush to speed up time to a new season. I want to cherish each season in each new year.
And be sure to hang on to each tiny detail in each day of all our four seasons.

Watching Riley and Reese grow reminds me of how fast the seasons change.
So let's all take time to slow down and absorb these long winter days, for it won't be long until time has passed and seasons have changed and we are in the next year on this day.

Happy 5th birthday to my Riley girl. How time has passed.
Her spirt has grown over night. It seems my baby is now a little girl.
What a difference a new year older can make. I am so unbelievably, with every inch of love in my body, proud of the human being she is. Sometimes it may be a difficult day with new challenges, but being able to be the one she can count on to help her get through it is very rewarding and helps us both grow. 

And Reese,  100% mamas girl at this stage in her life. 
It is amazing to feel wanted so badly from such a little being filled with so much love and trust in her mama. And let me tell you, there is no where in the world I would rather be at this point in my life, then here physically and mentally for my babies. I am all theirs until they are ready to spread their wings and fly.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Surprise Package

As I sit here in the quiet, still early morning, I am proud of myself for staying up!  Lately I have been going back to bed for a little snooze after I get up and make a lunch and coffee for my honey. He has to be out by 6am and I do not mind waking up with him, packing him a healthy lunch and sending him off to work for the day with a hug and a kiss. To me, it makes me feel good that I am able to help him get on with his day, by waking with him and sending food to save money. Granted there are some mornings where there is no way you could get me out of bed, but usually it is one of the little things I can do in return for the hard work he does for our family. 
 Who needs a jungle gym when you have Daddy!

We are over the moon and back for him. His three girls eagerly await his arrival home from work each day. We are excited to exchange stories about our days and content with knowing the day could not have gotten any better because we are alive, well, together and happy.

I received a surprise package in the mail the other day. My first ever surprise package, or that I can remember. It was a just because package. A package from someone who has the biggest heart in the world and someone who is always guarding me with her huge white and comfy angel wings. No matter where I am in the world, I can always feel my mothers comfort and warm spirit.

She sent me a book. Not just any book. A photography book about capturing life's everyday, precious moments of motherhood. It shows different aspects on how to use a camera to capture different angles, light, subject...etc.
It also has a story. The Author, Tracey Clark talks about how each day is a gift and by being able to capture the little aspects of life that live each day, we will see how fast time flies, and how by capturing these tiny memories, we will be able to hold on to these amazing aspects for life. Elevate The Everyday, is an amazing book to have and to hold and to refer to when evaluating my own life as a mother. I love to photograph my girls and to be able to hold on to these life memories forever is something I hold dear to my heart. Before I read this book, I shared the same thoughts as the author. Before I read the different photography techniques from this book, I realized I had already been using my artistic eye when photographing my children. They are my masterpieces. And I take photos of them everyday. I want to hold on to these delicate memories for ever and ever! Like Tracey Clark, I want my girls to have these snapshots so they can see the simple, everyday joys in life that they themselves created.

In previous posts, I know I have talked about how each moment in life is so precious and how I wish we could hang on to each instant forever. This book helped me go forth with making it possible to do so. While reading this simple book I noticed tears streaming down my face. All the memories of my childhood flooded back to me and now I am helping my girls create their own memories. I hope they are as in depth and joyous as mine, I strive as a mother to make them so happy and use their imagination as much as possible to help them blossom into who they are growing into.
Riley spent an hour and a half pretending our family room was a swimming pool. She needed her bathing suit and a towel that she laid out. She was telling us how she needed Reese in the baby pool. She was so serious too. Pretended the couch was a diving board and would jump off. When she came into the kitchen and needed to go back into the pool she would literally, jump, every time into the family room like it was a real pool. Imagine....
Reese is in the baby pool
I couldn't be more proud. It is the toughest job I cherish and love so unbelievably much. And I thank Marc for giving me the opportunity to stay home with my children. To be home to raise them into amazing, honest, genuine people. Motherhood is a gift and to me, it was my calling. Unknowingly, or maybe it was planned; I was called into this life and whomever or whatever the universe has laid out for me, I want to return the love and happiness I feel from this special gift I have been given. So, as a mother, and a content and happy woman,  I intend to continue sharing the love and happiness I have with my girls. And know that one day they will do the same with their own. I wish for them the same positive, healthy and free spirited childhood I was so grateful to have.
Making pancakes for Lunch

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Naturally Clean Kiddie Land

Reese will be 9 months on the 24th of January.  She has already started crawling and is able to pull up on something stable to hold herself up in a standing position. She can climb up the two steps from our family room into our kitchen with such ease. Needless to say she is all over the place. She is fast too! And tough. When she falls down and I look over to make sure she is safe, she tries again without a fear or tear.
She is eager to keep going and knows how to get to her destination. I am trying to redirect her when she is into something she shouldn't be into. I say "Reese!, no, not for babies, come on you play with this", stuff like that. She looks at me as soon as I say something, and after I redirect her, she is content with her age appropriate toys.

She is smart. Smarter than I think. I have not prepared myself for her abilities these days. I do remind myself that I am a preschool teacher and this is a job that I live for, a job I love with all the fibers in my body. I have taken advantage of these endless days home with my beauties. We have been spending our days laughing, singing and being silly together. Riley and I are teaching Reese about all the wonderful different things in this big, blue world. We are staying busy playing, creating and imagining. Taking advantage of the warmer winter weather and working as a team to stay happy :-)

Life is also getting busier with two children! My house is messier, and things keep piling up. I guess this is what motherhood/parenting is like...
I always like things to be tidy and put away, clean, and usually I am on top of everything, that is just how I am. It makes me happy to know each "folder" in my mind is checked off for the day and neatly organized.
Lately-I think since Reese is more mobile- I have been all over the place! I am learning to let things slide. My laundry is piling up, floors aren't vacuumed as often, dishes, dishes!!!!! sit in my sink after meals! (I usually load them into the dishwasher right way). But I have learned I need to make sure Reese is settled and Riley is getting the attention she needs from me. I have put the everyday tasks aside to make sure my children's  needs are met first. Then once I have a moment, usually nap time, or rest period, I tackle my chores. I am so used to doing them, they are done in a flash.
The toys are all over the place! I want Riley to be able to play with her toys in a manner which lets her expand her mind and imagination. But then I find them in every room of the house, how is this possible! I have been making sure she cleans up her toys before we move on to another activity. This keeps her on a routine and shows her responsibility. She is doing a good job with it. Reese's toys I leave laying out, because I know she will be back to them and it is helpful to quickly set her down with them if I need to help Riley or something. I do put them away at different times to start fresh again, but I have just noticed I live in kiddie land!!!

On top of the chores sitting on the edge of my shoulder, waving like a flag in the wind saying "don't forget about me!" I have noticed all the little things in my house that annoy me and things I must get clean! Now that Reese is crawling all over the place, and spends most of her time on the floor, I want everything to be clean where she will be playing. I also want to have a clean home for the rest of my family. Maybe it is the new year and wanting a fresh start, but it has been jumping out at me more and more. Feel like I'm nesting....
Reese's new position in her saucer! notice her feet :-) she keeps them tucked into a nook 
Aunt Katie gifted me a book for my birthday. A book I had added to my Christmas list.  The Naturally Clean Home, written by Karen Siegel-Maier. This book is amazing! It shows how to use natural ingredients to make homemade cleaning solutions. I used ingredients found in my home and essential oils Katie gifted me as well. I cleaned my bathroom today, and used the solutions suggested in Chapter 3. It was fun! I used baking soda, lemon essential oil and vinegar. The baking soda and vinegar made a fizzy reaction, and the small amount of lemon used created a lovely aroma throughout the bathrooms. I also cleaned my bathtub/shower with a paste made using baking soda, liquid castile soap, tea tree essential oil and water. It feels cleaner then ever! And I feel so good about the products I used to clean it. Now I feel better about bathing my babies in a naturally, chemical free tub! Before I owned this book and tried these natural ways, I used natural products I purchased from the grocery store. This is a way to save money and save the environment, by reusing bottles and containers to make up these quick, easy and heavenly aroma filled solutions. Not to mention toxin free and I know exactly what I am putting into each mixture.
I must say, cleaning has never been this fun!